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A direct test of T symmetry in the neutral K meson system with $K_SK_L \to \pi^{\pm} l^{\mp} \nu_l 3\pi^0$ at the KLOE-2 experiment
Abstract content
Quantum entanglement of K and B mesons allows for a direct experimental test of time-reversal symmetry independent of CP violation. The T symmetry can be probed by exchange of initial and final states in the reversible transitions between flavor and CP-definite states of the mesons which are only connected by the T conjugation. While such a test was successfully performed by the BaBar experiment with neutral B mesons, the KLOE-2 detector can probe T-violation in the neutral kaons system by investigating the process with $K_S \to \pi^{\pm} l^{\mp} \nu_l$ and $K_L\to3\pi^0$ decays. Analysis of the latter is facilitated by a novel reconstruction method for the vertex of $K_L\to3\pi^0$ decay which only involves neutral particles. Details of this new vertex reconstruction technique will be presented as well as prospects for conducting the direct T symmetry test at the KLOE-2 experiment.