Contribution parallel talk
National Instruments off-the-shelf (COTS) products: Example system architecture. Case studies.
- Wojciech SOMMER
Primary authors
- Wojciech SOMMER (National Instruments)
- Paul HOERNER DE ROITHBERG (National Instruments)
Abstract content
Engineers, scientists, and physicists around the world are working on high-energy physics with particle accelerators, energy from fusion, and astrophysics with advanced telescopes. It is common for these domain experts to need hardware and software that meet their measurement, diagnostic, control, interlock, and safety system requirements. From programming multicore embedded real-time systems that contain FPGAs to working with high-speed data acquisition systems that require timing and synchronization, NI offers commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software and hardware to help meet these needs. Moreover, our team provides Linux and Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) drivers and performs radiation and magnetic field testing.