Contribution parallel talk
Polarization observables in $\eta$ and double $\pi$ production using a polarized parget with the Crystal Ball/TAPS at MAMI
Abstract content
Recent experiments using the Crystall Ball/TAPS setup at the MAMI accelerator in Mainz, Germany continue to study the properties and the excitation spectrum of the nucleon with meson photoproduction. Electromagnetic excitations of the proton and neutron are essential for understanding their isospin decomposition. The electromagnetic coupling of photons to protons is different than that of neutrons in certain states. Hence, a complete partial wave analysis (PWA) can assist in yielding more information about any reaction, but requires the determination of polarization observables. Polarization observables play a crucial role as they are essential in disentangling the contributing resonant and non-resonant amplitudes, whereas cross-section data alone is not sufficient for separating resonances. Preliminary results of polarization observables ($E$, $T$, and $F$) of $\eta$ and double $\pi$ production off a polarized neutron (D-butanol) target will be shown with comparison to predictions of recent multipole analyses. These results will allow for developing the world database.